CASE STUDY Traction Thrive Traction Thrive Critical Care Resource Management is a globally available, open-source application designed to view, track and allocate healthcare personnel, PPE, ventilator availability and other critical supplies in real-time. Challenge Solution Results (since March ‘20) Healthcare providers and hospitals Traction Thrive is a globally available, Used by 30 Hospitals from Canada need access to the right resources and open-source application designed to to Nepal. front-line personnel to address the view, track and allocate healthcare 4000 Healthcare Professionals pandemic. personnel, PPE, ventilator availability utilizing the app. and other critical supplies in real-time. The open source application is being used in several industries to manage critical resources needed to address COVID-19. Sustainable S Development Goals: ALE SF ORCE. ORG / 3 3 Community Impact Report - Page 33 Community Impact Report Page 32 Page 34