Partnerships Employee Satisfaction & Retention The Numbers 93% of employees who participate in pro bono report that their experience made them happier at work of employees report developing communication, 90% leadership, and other career-crucial skills as a result ~300 of their pro bono experience Global Program Partners (Consulting & Product Partners)1 64% of customers report using a partner/consultant to build, expand or enhance their instance3 96,039 S ALE Total Pro Bono Hours SF (Salesforce skills + other skills)2 ORCE. 1 ORG / 2 maintains a formal partner program which works closely with ~300 consulting and product partners 2 Pro Bono data source: Survey of customers and employees participating in pro bono projects 3 Quantitative data from Tech for Social Change Survey, administered June-July 2020 All data points reflect the Fiscal Year 2020 unless otherwise noted 3 Community Impact Report - Page 23 Community Impact Report Page 22 Page 24