Partnerships Building social innovation capacity through partner services, pro bono and impact-led partnerships Partner Ecosystem Pro Bono Engagement The Partner Ecosystem Nonprofits and education institutions gives customers access to experts get access to talented Salesforce enabling them to take full advantage of employees who volunteer to help them the Salesforce Platform. scale their mission and impact with the We work with, and enable, our partners world’s #1 CRM platform. to innovate unique solutions to address customers’ unique needs. • Consulting Partners offer strategic guidance and implementation on Salesforce and industry trends Social Sector Collaboration • Product Partners provide solutions that offer customers expanded and collaborates with other niche functionality social impact organizations to promote • Digital Agencies expand customers’ effective and evidence-based policies and teams with capacity in marketing, practices in the social sector. Through product administration, and industry these efforts, we hope to contribute to an environment that supports the continued S success of our nonprofit and education ALE customers and the sector as a whole. SF ORCE. ORG / 2 2 Community Impact Report - Page 22 Community Impact Report Page 21 Page 23