The achievement or success of the matters covered by such plans; our ability to successfully integrate acquired businesses forward-looking statements involves risks, uncertainties and and technologies; our ability to continue to grow unearned assumptions. If any such risks or uncertainties materialize or if revenue and remaining performance obligation; our ability to any of the assumptions prove incorrect, the company’s results protect our intellectual property rights; our ability to develop could differ materially from the results expressed or implied by our brands; our reliance on third-party hardware, software and the forward-looking statements it makes. platform providers; our dependency on the development and maintenance of the infrastructure of the Internet; the effect The risks and uncertainties referred to above include – but of evolving domestic and foreign government regulations, are not limited to – risks associated with the effect of general including those related to the provision of services on the economic and market conditions; the impact of geopolitical Internet, those related to accessing the Internet, and those events; the impact of foreign currency exchange rate and addressing data privacy, cross-border data transfers and import interest rate fluctuations on our results; our business strategy and export controls; the valuation of our deferred tax assets and our plan to build our business, including our strategy and the release of related valuation allowances; the potential to be the leading provider of enterprise cloud computing availability of additional tax assets in the future; the impact of applications and platforms; the pace of change and innovation new accounting pronouncements and tax laws; uncertainties in enterprise cloud computing services; the seasonal nature affecting our ability to estimate our tax rate; the impact of of our sales cycles; the competitive nature of the market in expensing stock options and other equity awards; the sufficiency This report contains which we participate; our international expansion strategy; of our capital resources; factors related to our outstanding debt, the demands on our personnel and infrastructure resulting revolving credit facility, term loan and loan associated with from significant growth in our customer base and operations, 50 Fremont; compliance with our debt covenants and lease forward-looking including as a result of acquisitions; our service performance obligations; current and potential litigation involving us; and the and security, including the resources and costs required to avoid impact of climate change. statements. unanticipated downtime and prevent, detect and remediate potential security breaches; the expenses associated with Further information on these and other factors that could affect new data centers and third-party infrastructure providers; the company’s financial results is included in the reports on additional data center capacity; real estate and office facilities Forms 10-K, 10-Q and 8-K and in other filings it makes with space; our operating results and cash flows; new services the Securities and Exchange Commission from time to time. and product features, including any efforts to expand our These documents are available on the SEC Filings section of services beyond the CRM market; our strategy of acquiring the Investor Information section of the company’s website at or making investments in complementary businesses, joint, Inc. assumes no ventures, services, technologies and intellectual property obligation and does not intend to update these forward-looking rights; the performance and fair value of our investments in statements, except as required by law. complementary businesses through our strategic investment S portfolio; our ability to realize the benefits from strategic ALE partnerships, joint ventures and investments; the impact of future gains or losses from our strategic investment portfolio, SF including gains or losses from overall market conditions that ORCE. may affect the publicly traded companies within our strategic investment portfolio; our ability to execute our business ORG / 4 1 Community Impact Report - Page 41 Community Impact Report Page 40 Page 42