CASE STUDY The Center and Exponent Partners How The Center is Fostering Connection Amid Social Isolation for NYC’s LGBTQ Community. Challenge Solution The Center provides in-person services such as mental health Exponent Partners case management system housed in counseling. Social distancing meant finding new ways to Salesforce ensures client records are secure and accessible support their community, many of whom were feeling an regardless of where staff is located. increased sense of isolation. With the complexities of 24/7 sharing of living spaces due to A chat capability was implemented within two weeks time, COVID-19, they needed support options more private than a providing a private and secure channel of communication. telephone call. Implementing a new way to allow seamless, direct Staff also needed secure and easy access to confidential engagement with followers on social media, increasing their information while working from home. reach on channels their community uses. Sustainable Despite the need to be socially distant right now, we’re utilizing the power of technology S to connect in many ways including providing crucial health and wellness services...” Development Goals: ALE SF “Jeffrey Klein, Esq. ORCE. Chief Operating Officer, The Center ORG / 2 5 Community Impact Report - Page 25 Community Impact Report Page 24 Page 26