impactlabs Co-Creating Technology Solutions to Tackle Challenges in Homelessness Launched in early 2020, Salesforce’s inaugural Impact Labs is planning to pilot Personalized Impact Lab set out to co-create technology Service Referrals, a solution designed to help solutions that help people experiencing case managers recommend services to their homelessness and amplify the work of those who clients. It provides streamlined, time-saving support them. 19 Community Fellows and 14 Pro access to tailored recommendations within a case Bono Fellows collaborated to research, ideate, manager’s existing workflow. Impact Labs plans and co-design technology solutions. Community to release this solution in Fall 2020. Fellows are community members with lived experience and expertise in the field of affordable For more information about Impact Labs, housing and homelessness. Pro Bono Fellows including the amazing work our Community leverage their Salesforce skills to co-design and Fellows like Habitat for Humanity, Cal State build solutions – they have logged over 615 East Bay, Tipping Point Community, United hours of volunteer service to date. Way Bay Area are doing, see here. It’s been inspiring to see how adaptable and resilient nonprofits have been S despite some very tough challenges. Working together with organizations on ALE “the frontlines to come up with new tech solutions has been powerful.” SF ORCE. Brad Struss Bigger Boat Consulting, Impact Labs Community Fellow ORG / 2 0 Community Impact Report - Page 20 Community Impact Report Page 19 Page 21