The past year has brought a lot of change. Today, As challenges like food insecurity, inequity in education we find ourselves facing a pandemic, an economic and poverty become even more pronounced, it’s slowdown, systemic social injustice, and a leadership revealed an opportunity to take a community- crisis. As nonprofits, education and corporate impact based approach to problem solving. By partnering organizations tackle the world’s toughest challenges, across the nonprofit, public and corporate sectors, it’s more important than ever to come together as a we can co-create solutions with greater speed and community to listen, learn and co-create the solutions accountability to achieve greater results. We have seen to these problems. the power of multi-sector collaboration come to life to At, we believe that technology, when address COVID-19. Health experts, business leaders, used for social good, can change the world. As a social government officials, and partners from across our impact center of Salesforce, we are committed to ecosystem came together to build a variety of solutions helping nonprofits and educational institutions reach and best practices for building resiliency and evolving It’s going to take their full potential. Our technology is built for and beyond the pandemic. We also launched Impact with the community. Our partnerships increase the Labs, designed to bring together community members community to restore capacity for social innovation. By combining technology, from different sectors and specializations to design community and partnership we can close the gap technology that supports and addresses tough social between the impact created today and the potential for issues facing us today. This diversity of voice, experience community. impact in the future. and thought has fundamentally changed the way we think and act. Our Community Impact Report is an opportunity is proud to be on this journey with all to shed light on how our technology, including our of our stakeholders. We have a lot of work to do, but I Nonprofit Cloud, Education Cloud, and Philanthropy am confident that by collaborating with our employees, Cloud, is helping to close the impact gap. Our efforts are our partners and our community, we will build a better rooted in donated and discounted technology, valued at future, together. more than $1 billion this year alone. Our success is our S community’s success. It would not be possible without ALE the collaboration, feedback and insight from our partner SF ecosystem and community of 40,000+ organizations Rob Acker ORCE. that are changing the world. CEO, ORG / 4 Community Impact Report - Page 4 Community Impact Report Page 3 Page 5