Customers Talk About the Pandemic Top challenges faced by customers as a result of COVID-19 Decreased 62% Funding/ Donations Change/ Add 58% 4% Core Services Effect of COVID-19 on 13% Customers Staff Burnout 38% 51% Not at All Somewhat Unable to Provide 36% Core Services Not Really Very Much 32% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% “Mostly for decision making reporting as we reimagine our budget for the year, as “More than 60% of our funding is gone “We have become the single point of well as for communications to various because of the cancelled events.” access for the whole [community]. We 61% constituent groups, keeping in touch with have had 11,000 people contact us major donors, etc.” “With the COVID-19 and the civil unrest to request help of some sort and have we are faced with explaining to members partnered with 3 other charities and the “We were able to change the way we local Council to help meet these needs. S and staff how we will deal with race racism We have been redeployed completely of customers reported using provide core services more quickly due ALE and health. The learning curve is steep.” to the fact that we are already using SF into this work which has meant not Salesforce technology to overcome Salesforce to track our clients and ORCE. delivering our usual services.” or manage challenges presented by volunteers. It was a huge benefit.” COVID-19 ORG / 2 Quantitative data from Tech for Social Change Survey, administered June-July 2020 9 Community Impact Report - Page 29 Community Impact Report Page 28 Page 30