Community Convene, connect, listen to and learn from the community to co-create a better future Power of Us Hub Impact Labs Open Source Commons An online community for Impact labs is a collaborative Open Source Commons is a community customers, certified program to co-design innovative of mission-driven individuals working partners and staff. The hub is a place technology solutions that address together to solve the world’s most to get answers, build your Salesforce the toughest social issues facing us challenging problems. We do this skills, share your expertise & connect today. We combine the expertise of through community sprints, actively with others in the nonprofit, higher ed our community with the power of the listening to each other, educating and K-12 sectors who are Salesforce platform and pro bono each other, and bringing our passion, using Salesforce. employee volunteers to take risks, find experience, and technical know-how to new solutions, and address complex projects that can be replicated social issues together. and shared throughout the Salesforce ecosystem. impactlabs S ALE SF ORCE. ORG / 1 7 Community Impact Report - Page 17 Community Impact Report Page 16 Page 18