Community Benefit Report 2019 $36 Billion for Communities by 2024 Driven by Ecosystem Regional economic benefits Of the 36.2 billion, $11.7 The economic benefit being generated will be global, with 40% of that benefit being billion will be generated accessed by organizations outside of the US. This includes supporting the direct hiring of Œ11.…B ŒŽƒ.2B nearly 134,000 new employees. In turn, these direct jobs will fuel the growth of over from donated products 200,000 indirect jobs created as a result of additional social sector spending power. and services. 1„ CAAA $415 Million 22„ RS € H R‚ Sector-specific economic benefits 926 Direct Jobs $7.9 Billion 1,506 Indirect Jobs Nearly half of the economic benefit will go to human services and 66.166 Direct Jobs education organizations. 103,490 Indirect Jobs 1…„ SR R ƒ0„ † SAS $6.2 Billion $21.6 Billion 50,359 Direct Jobs 16,488 Direct Jobs 68,946 Indirect Jobs 30,430 Indirect Jobs Human Services CA† HA‚H Revenue: $8.3B Revenue: $8.0B Revenue: $5.8B Global Community A community impact model to ‡†R ˆ ARS‰ C‚R €A†H BAS HR advance the SDGs together Revenue: $5.4B Š HˆA†‹ Revenue: $2.5B Revenue: $2.2B Benefit Report Revenue: $4.0B SSalesfalesfororcece..ororg Cg Communitommunity Benefit Repy Benefit Report 2019ort 2019 Community Benefit Report 2019 Community Benefit Report 2019 Community Benefit Report 2019 Community Benefit Report 2019 $36 Billion for Communities by 2024 Driven by Ecosystem $36 Billion for C$36 Billion for Communities bommunities by 2024 Drivy 2024 Driven ben by Salesfory Eg Eccososyyststemem $36 Billion for Communities by 2024 Driven by Ecosystem $36 Billion for Communities by 2024 Driven by Ecosystem The Community Impact model is poised to deliver more than $36 billion in $36 Billion for Communities by 2024 Driven by Ecosystem ReRegional egional ecconomic benefitonomic benefitss Regional economic benefits Regional economic benefits Regional economic benefits Regional economic benefits The ecThe economic beneonomic benefit being gfit being genereneraated will be global, with 40% oted will be global, with 40% of thf thaat benet benefit being fit being The economic benefit being generated will be global, with 40% of that benefit being The economic benefit being generated will be global, with 40% of that benefit being The economic benefit being generated will be global, with 40% of that benefit being Of the 36.2 billion, $11.7 Of the 36.2 billion, $11.7 The economic benefit being generated will be global, with 40% of that benefit being Of the 36.2 billion, $11.7 Of the 36.2 billion, $11.7 Of the 36.2 billion, $11.7 Of the 36.2 billion, $11.7 acacccessed bessed by ory organizaganizations outside otions outside of the USf the US. This includes suppor. This includes supporting the dirting the direcect hiring ot hiring of f accessed by organizations outside of the US. This includes supporting the direct hiring of accessed by organizations outside of the US. This includes supporting the direct hiring of accessed by organizations outside of the US. This includes supporting the direct hiring of billion will be gbillion will be genereneraated ted accessed by organizations outside of the US. This includes supporting the direct hiring of billion will be generated billion will be generated billion will be generated billion will be generated nearly 134,000 nenearly 134,000 new emplow employyees. In turn, these direes. In turn, these direcect jobs will fuel the grt jobs will fuel the groowth owth of of ovver er nearly 134,000 new employees. In turn, these direct jobs will fuel the growth of over nearly 134,000 new employees. In turn, these direct jobs will fuel the growth of over ŒŒ11.11.…B…B nearly 134,000 new employees. In turn, these direct jobs will fuel the growth of over Œ11.…B nearly 134,000 new employees. In turn, these direct jobs will fuel the growth of over Œ11.…B ŒŽƒŒŽƒ.2B.2B Œ11.…B Œ11.…B ŒŽƒ.2B ŒŽƒ.2B ŒŽƒ.2B community benefits by 2024, according to a new commissioned IDC study released frfrom donom donaated prted producoducts ts ŒŽƒ.2B from donated products from donated products from donated products from donated products 200,000 indir200,000 indirecect jobs crt jobs creaeated as a rted as a result oesult of additionf additional social secal social sector spending potor spending powwerer. . 200,000 indirect jobs created as a result of additional social sector spending power. 200,000 indirect jobs created as a result of additional social sector spending power. 200,000 indirect jobs created as a result of additional social sector spending power. and serand servicvices. es. 200,000 indirect jobs created as a result of additional social sector spending power. and services. and services. and services. and services. 1 earlier this year. Below, we share more about how the Community Impact model CCAAAAAA CAAA CAAA 1„1„ CAAA CAAA 1„ 1„ 1„ 1„ $415 Million$415 Million $415 Million $415 Million $415 Million $415 Million RSRS € H € H R‚ R‚ RS € H R‚ RS € H R‚ 222„2„ RS € H R‚ RS € H R‚ 22„ 22„ SeSectctor-or-spespecific ecific ecconomic benefitonomic benefits s 22„ 22„ Sector-specific economic benefits Sector-specific economic benefits Sector-specific economic benefits Sector-specific economic benefits 926 Dir926 Direcect Jobst Jobs $7.9 Billion$7.9 Billion 926 Direct Jobs $7.9 Billion 926 Direct Jobs $7.9 Billion delivers community benefits, including jobs and additional revenue for our customers 926 Direct Jobs 926 Direct Jobs $7.9 Billion $7.9 Billion 1,506 Indir1,506 Indirecect Jobst Jobs 1,506 Indirect Jobs 1,506 Indirect Jobs Nearly hNearly half oalf of the ecf the economic beneonomic benefit will gfit will go to to ho humuman seran servicvices and es and 1,506 Indirect Jobs 1,506 Indirect Jobs Nearly half of the economic benefit will go to human services and Nearly half of the economic benefit will go to human services and Nearly half of the economic benefit will go to human services and Nearly half of the economic benefit will go to human services and 66.166 Dir66.166 Direcect Jobst Jobs 66.166 Direct Jobs 66.166 Direct Jobs educaeducation ortion organizaganizations. tions. 66.166 Direct Jobs 66.166 Direct Jobs education organizations. education organizations. education organizations. education organizations. 103,490 Indir103,490 Indirecect Jobst Jobs 103,490 Indirect Jobs 103,490 Indirect Jobs 103,490 Indirect Jobs and partners, and what this means for advancing the SDGs and driving impact scale. 103,490 Indirect Jobs SSR RR R SR R SR R 11…„…„ SR R SR R 1…„ 1…„ † S† SAASS 1…„ † SAS † SAS † SAS 1…„ $6.2 Billion$6.2 Billion † SAS $6.2 Billion $6.2 Billion ƒ0„ƒ0„ $6.2 Billion $6.2 Billion ƒ0„ ƒ0„ ƒ0„ $21.6 Billion$21.6 Billion ƒ0„ $21.6 Billion $21.6 Billion $21.6 Billion $21.6 Billion 16,488 Dir16,488 Direcect Jobst Jobs 16,488 Direct Jobs 16,488 Direct Jobs 16,488 Direct Jobs 50,359 Dir50,359 Direcect Jobst Jobs 16,488 Direct Jobs 50,359 Direct Jobs 50,359 Direct Jobs 50,359 Direct Jobs 30,430 Indir30,430 Indirecect Jobst Jobs 30,430 Indirect Jobs 30,430 Indirect Jobs 30,430 Indirect Jobs 50,359 Direct Jobs 30,430 Indirect Jobs 68,946 Indir68,946 Indirecect Jobst Jobs 68,946 Indirect Jobs 68,946 Indirect Jobs 68,946 Indirect Jobs68,946 Indirect Jobs Human SerHuman Servicesvices CCAA† † HHA‚A‚HH Human Services CA† HA‚H Human Services CA† HA‚H Human Services CA† HA‚H Human Services CA† HA‚H RReevvenue: $8.3B enue: $8.3B RReevvenue: $8.0B enue: $8.0B RReevvenue: $5.8B enue: $5.8B Revenue: $8.3B Revenue: $8.0B Revenue: $5.8B Revenue: $8.3B Revenue: $8.0B Revenue: $5.8B Revenue: $8.3B Revenue: $8.0B Revenue: $5.8B What Does $36 Billion in Community Benefits Really Mean? Revenue: $8.3B Revenue: $8.0B Revenue: $5.8B’s Community Impact model is the engine behind the creation of more A community impact model to A cA commommunity impacunity impact model tt model to o A community impact model to A community impact model to A community impact model to advance the SDGs together ‡†R‡†R ˆ ˆ ARARS‰ C‚S‰ C‚RR €€A†H BA†H BASAS HRHR advadvancance the SDGs te the SDGs togogeetherther advance the SDGs together advance the SDGs together ‡†R ˆ ARS‰ C‚R €A†H BAS HR advance the SDGs together ‡†R ˆ €A†H BAS HR ‡†R ˆ ARS‰ C‚R €A†H BAS HR ‡†R ˆ ARS‰ C‚R €A†H BAS HR ARS‰ C‚R Š HŠ HˆˆA†A†‹‹ Š HˆA†‹ Š HˆA†‹ Š HˆA†‹ RReevvenue: $5.4B enue: $5.4B Š HˆA†‹ RReevvenue: $2.5B enue: $2.5B RReevvenue: $2.2B enue: $2.2B Revenue: $5.4B Revenue: $2.5B Revenue: $2.2B Revenue: $5.4B Revenue: $2.5B Revenue: $2.2B Revenue: $5.4B Revenue: $2.5B Revenue: $2.2B Revenue: $5.4B RReevvenue: $4.0B enue: $4.0B Revenue: $2.5B Revenue: $2.2B Revenue: $4.0B than $36 billion in new economic community benefits across the world by 2024. Revenue: $4.0B Revenue: $4.0B Revenue: $4.0B Economic community benefit refers to the additional revenue and jobs that will open up for the social sector as organizations take advantage of cloud computing through their use of purpose-built technology and other resources to help bridge 2 their Impact Gap. Read the blog post and full report to learn more. S ALE SF ORCE. ORG / 4 1 IDC conducted its data analysis prior to the start of the COVID-19 pandemic 2 These community benefits are in addition to the more than $1 trillion in new business revenues and 4.2 million jobs that IDC forecasted the Salesforce Economy would create late last year 3