and SDG-17 Partnerships for the Goals 17.17. Encourage and promote effective public, public-private and civil society partnerships, building on the experience and resourcing strategies of partnerships. works in partnership with peer organizations to promote progress on the SDGs. Our involvement with both NetHope, ImpactCloud, and Impact Labs are indicative of the partnerships we participate in and encourage. is a founding partner of the #ImpactCloud is a coalition of technology NetHope Center for the Digital Nonprofit, companies committed to positive social which brings together the expertise of the impact, with a focus on enabling nonprofit technology sector and the on-the-ground digital transformation. Their goal is to experience of global nonprofits to create uplevel the nonprofit sector by collaborating a network of committed forward-looking to provide nonprofits with better access to humanitarians who can apply digital technology and digital skillbuilding. S solutions to real world challenges. ALE SF ORCE. ORG / 3 8 Community Impact Report Page 37 Page 39